Robinson Ruthenberg Ltd is an independent clinical psychology consultancy offering highly specialist assessment and consulting to individuals, clinical services, the courts and industry. In addition, we have developed an accredited training programme for experienced clinicians in the assessment and diagnosis of autistic spectrum conditions in adulthood. We offer an integrative clinical, but empirically-based approach, recognizing the frequency of co-morbidity and differential diagnoses. We are a team of clinical psychologists having many years of cumulative clinical, academic, treatment, supervisory and consulting experience across all core clinical areas. We currently hold or have previously held very senior clinical and academic positions in NHS and university settings, in the UK and abroad. Our areas of professional expertise include:
Specialist Clinical Assessment and Diagnostic Services in:
Consultants Janine Robinson D.Clin.Psy. (London), P G Dipl. Art Therapy (Glasgow Caledonian), B.Soc.Sci. (Hons) David Ruthenberg D.Clin.Psy (Essex/Tavistock), M.Sc., B.Sc. (Hons), C.Euro Psych |