Training & Consultation

/Training & Consultation
Training & Consultation2010-07-29T18:13:47+00:00

Autism Spectrum Conditions Training Course:
Assessment and Diagnosis of Adults – An Integrative Clinical Approach

A two-day training course for clinicians (clinical psychologists, psychiatrists and related professionals) who want to set up their own diagnostic service or want to improve their diagnostic skills. The course covers training in the use of the diagnostic instrument, viz., the Adult Asperger Assessment (AAA), and associated screening instruments, viz., the Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ), the Empathy Quotient (EQ), and the Relatives’ Questionnaire (RQ), measures developed at the Autism Research Centre, Cambridge University.

This course is led by Dr Janine Robinson, Consultant Chartered Clinical Psychologist. Janine has a part-time contract with Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust and continues to work as a senior clinician in the CLASS Clinic in Cambridge where in excess of 800 adults have been assessed and diagnosed with ASC over the last 17 years and is a unique specialist clinic.

The course covers all aspects surrounding screening, assessment and diagnosis, with invited lecturers on both days. The second day provides the opportunity for interactive discussion, with a DVD presentation of the standard AAA assessment procedure. Trainees gain experience in conducting Asperger Syndrome (AS) assessments for adults, employing the AAA diagnostic method. Courses are run once or twice a year with ~12 trainees per course. The course is held at a convenient location in Cambridge.

The dates for 2016 are as follows:

  • June 9th and 10th
  • Dates for 2017 to be confirmed, but the first course of the year is usually in March.

    Course fee: £810 excl.VAT (self-funded individual) and £890 excl. VAT (funded by organisation) Discount (minimum of 5%) applies to multiple applicants from the same organisation. Fee includes all course materials, meals and refreshments. (first fee increase since 2012). For Application Form, contact the Course Administrator, Suzanne Williams by email on

    Since the end of 2010, the AAA course has been run independently of the Autism Research Centre. Nonetheless owing to Janine Robinson’s ongoing senior role in the CLASS clinic and hence her association with researchers at the ARC, guest lecturers from CLASS and the ARC will continue to provide up-to-date clinical and research contributions to the course.